Thursday, June 10, 2010

Obama's $400 Million Dollar Stimulus for Terrorists

America is broke, but Obama has found a way to gives $400 million dollars in aid to Hamas. Wonder how much of it will turn into weapons? Obama is the worst President in history. Loser.

From CNN:

The United States will contribute $400 million in development aid to the Palestinian territories and work with Israel to loosen its embargo on Gaza, President Barack Obama said Wednesday.

Obama's announcement came after White House talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The money will be used to build housing, schools, water and health care systems in both the Palestinian Authority-controlled West Bank and Gaza, which is ruled by the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas.

Obama called the situation in Gaza "unsustainable," and said the United States would work with its European allies, Egypt and Israel to find a "new conceptual framework" for the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

"We agree Israelis have right to prevent arms from coming into Gaza," Obama said. But he said "new mechanisms" were needed to allow more goods to reach the territory - and he repeated that the long-term solution was a permanent deal creating "a Palestinian state side-by-side with an Israel that is secure."

1 comment:

  1. What is your concern here? Are you worried about funding terrorism? Because it's worth mentioning that we give Israel, on average, $2,500,000.00 a year in aid (and this is down from a decade ago, when we gave them $4.1 billion dollars per year). That's five times what we gave to Gaza this year, every year... and we've been giving Israel aid for decades.

    I wonder how much of those billions of dollars we give to Israel has "turn[ed] into weapons" over the years? I'm willing to bet it's greater than $400 million worth.

    And yet again, you must resort to calling the President a "loser." If you have a valid argument that you can back up with logic and facts, why not do it? This schoolyard rhetoric baffles me.
