Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome Aboard

This is the blog for the social networking site of politics, We basically just started.  We felt that there is no better time than now to start a social networking site.  We see a major need given the tyrannical nature of our government.  Respect for U.S Constitution by our leaders is practically nil.  Our deficits have exploded beyond our current and future needs, and President Obama does not care.

Now we have a health care program that will reduce care for everyone, while raising costs.  We our now about to ruin the best health care in the nation.

Obama faked running as a centrist, and many believed that he is a essentially a marxist.  We were aware of his associations to radical and racist people.  His desire to redistribute wealth. His desire for bigger oppressive government.

We are on a path to Western style socialism and bankrupt poorer country, a decimated middle class with the biggest dependent class in history.  Its time to take American back.  Real hard working Americans.  Join us and build your own profile.  Network with others.  Let's make the average American citizen the biggest special interest group in the country.  These politicians work for us.  Apparently they've forgotten that.

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