What is American citizenship worth if the open borders crowd gets their way?
The first job of the Federal government is to protect its citizens. We Americans aren't anti-immigration, we are anti-illegal immigration. Sovereignty means something. Other countries protect their sovereignty, and no one complains. Mexico in fact has some of the most oppressive and racist immigration laws against Central and South Americans.
Here are some specifics in the law:
Prohibits law enforcement officials and law enforcement agencies of this state or counties, municipalities and political subdivisions from restricting or limiting the enforcement of the federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law.
· Requires officials and agencies to reasonably attempt to determine the immigration status of a person involved in a lawful contact where reasonable suspicion exists regarding the immigration status of the person, except if the determination may hinder or obstruct an investigation.· Stipulates that if the person is arrested, the person’s immigration status must be determined before the person is released and must be verified with the federal government.· Stipulates that a law enforcement official or agency cannot solely consider race, color or national origin when implementing these provisions, except as permitted by the U.S. or Arizona Constitution.· Specifies that a person is presumed to be lawfully present if the person provides any of the following:Ø A valid Arizona driver license.Ø A valid Arizona nonoperating identification license.Ø A valid tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification.Ø A valid federal, state or local government issued identification, if the issuing entity requires proof of legal presence before issuance.· Requires that if a person is convicted of any state or local law, on discharge from imprisonment or on the assessment of any monetary obligation imposed, ICE or U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) must be immediately notified.· Authorizes a law enforcement agency to securely transport an unlawfully present alien to a federal facility.· Requires a law enforcement agency to obtain judicial authorization before securely transporting an unlawfully present alien to a point of transfer that is outside of Arizona.
You asked "What is American citizenship worth if the open boarders (sic) crowd gets their way?" I would respond by asking "What is American citizenship worth when the system for legal immigration is completely broken, and those willing to play by the rules and obtain legal citizenship have to wait two decades or more for their cases to be processed, in some cases dying while waiting for citizenship?" If anything, the situation in Arizona should be a clear-cut sign that it's time for comprehensive immigration reform, and I believe that anyone who doesn't believe that should be asking themselves some very serious questions about their motives in denying these people a path to legal immigration.