Sunday, May 23, 2010

Republican Charles Djou Wins Congressional Seat in Obama's Hometown

Charles Djou, a Republican, won the Congressional seat in Chairman Obama's hometown in Hawaii. First time in 20 years a Republican holds the seat. Beating his two Democrat opponents by 8.6% and 11.6%.

From FOX News:

Republican Charles Djou topped Democrats Colleen Hanabusa and former Rep. Ed Case (D-HI) to succeed retired Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) in Congress. Before Djou’s victory, Democrats had won 11 consecutive special elections. The stretch included a win last Tuesday by Rep. Mark Critz (D-PA) to succeed the late-Rep. Jack Murtha (D-PA). Many political handicappers expected Republican Tim Burns to win that contest and viewed the race as a barometer for how the political winds may blow this fall.

Djou secured 39.5 percent of the vote. Meantime, the two Democratic candidates, Hanabusa and Case combined to score nearly 60 percent of the vote. But that splintered the Democratic impact and allowed Djou to squeak through.

“Eighteen months ago, President Obama carried this district with seventy percent of the vote,” said Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), the head of the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee (NRCC). “Charles Djou’s victory not only changes the makeup of the House of Representatives, but it helps Republicans move one step closer toward winning back the majority in November.”

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